As a key member of the team, your job is to develop a high level Logistics and S, management assignment help
Youhave been asked by the CEO to join a senior team that has been createdto explore the possibility of setting up the firm’s first wholly ownedsubsidiary outside the United States. The company has been exporting alimited number of products to the region for several years, but as demandhas increased, he is considering the possibility of setting up some formof manufacturing operation to reduce manufacturing and distribution costsand get closer to the customer. Even though the CEO has engaged in talks withseveral economic development groups in the region, he has not yet decidedwhich location would be the best place to enter the market to support thecompany’s long-term business strategy.Asa key member of the team, your job is to develop a high level Logisticsand Supply Chain Management Plan to explore the feasibility ofestablishing a wholly owned subsidiary in the Philippines.Aspart of the process, he has asked you to:· Conduct an environmental assessmentof Philippines· Identify major logistics and supplychain management issues associated with setting up a wholly owned subsidiary inthe Philippines.· Provide your recommendation as towhat is the best city to establish a manufacturing and supply chain operationto meet the long-term goals of the company.· Prepare a high level logistics andsupply chain management plan to support the location recommended above.I. Logistics Infrastructure Assessment(Philippines)II. Location recommendation and rationale,which may include one or more of the following:· Availability andquality of suppliers· Availability andquality of third party service providers· Tax holidays orother incentives· Quality of lifefor employees· Other factors thatmay be relevant for the Philippines – whatever you think may provide firm with someform of competitive advantage.A mimium of 5 pages.
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