Psychology assignment
You are going to design 3 research studies involving either sleep or exercise.Design a descriptive research study (either a case study, survey, or naturalistic observation) to study either sleep or exercise. Where would you make your observations if you do a naturalistic observation? If you do a survey, what questions would you ask? What variables would you measure? What results do you expect?Design a correlational study to study either sleep or exercise. What two variables would you measure? Do you expect a positive or negative correlation? What does that result mean? What other variable(s) (besides the ones you studied) might explain these results?Design an experiment to study either sleep or exercise. What are you independent and dependent variables? Your study should incorporate the two key advantages of the experimental research design. What other controls might you consider using in your experiment to strengthen your results? How will you reduce the impact of other variables? What are the expected results and what do they mean?Which of your three studies allows you to determine cause and effect?Write your essay in a word processing programand save the essay to your computer as a .doc document (rich text format).needs to be 1-2 pages
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