Leadership and Ethical Decision Making , management homework help
Write two to three well written paragraphs for each of the following questions. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of effective and ineffective leaders? What are the advantages and disadvantages of effective and ineffective managers? What are the differences that occur between leaders and managers?2. What are leadership theories? Compare and contrast the contingency theory to the trait approach. What are some of the similarities and differences that occur between them? What effect does this have on an organization?3. Using the five basic conflict resolution (competitive style, accommodating style, avoiding style, collaborating style, and compromising style), explain how each approach works. Which approach would be the best for an organization to utilize? Explain why you select it. 4. What are ethical theories, (egoism theory, utilitarianism theory, deontology theory, care theory, virtue theory)? Compare and contrast two of the ethical theories. What are some of the similarities and differences that occur between them? What effect does each one have on an organization?
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