"Foreign language learning", psychology homework help
Write about 1500 words (better more than less). Don't worry about making a powerpoint, Ican make it myself. Don't worry too much about plagiarising, the simplecopy/paste from Wikipedia, etc, however, will not be acceptable. You still needto reference (at least 2 in-text references per paragraph). Use at least 5empirical sources/references.ORAL PRESENTATION10-minuteoral presentationThe purpose of this presentation is for you to discover andcommunicate how cognitivetheory is applied to important areas of human activity, and toassess the relevance andpotential usefulness of this application. You will review a bodyof empirical researchaddressing a cognitive issue in a real-world situation. You willneed to refer toa minimum offive different empirical research articles specifically on theissue, in addition to anybackground readings about the issue in general, or aboutcognitive theory.TopicsBelow is a list of topics that have been addressed by empiricalresearch. The topics arequite broad so youll have reasonable freedom to pick an areawithin an issue. However,itis really important that you stick to the concept of cognitionandhow it relates to yourtopic. Please dont get side-tracked. It will be very easy to writeall sorts of things about (forexample) false memories or recovered memories that have nothingto do with cognitivepsychology. As you write, ask yourself Am I still writingabout cognitive psychology?Foreign language learning(allother topics have already been assigned). - children learning foreign languages vs adults, etc, etc...Can talk a little about prenatal/infant language aquisition.CONTENTWhat the issue is and why research is neededRelevant cognitive concepts/theory accurately presentedResearch findings evaluatedResearch findings applied to issue (conclusion)
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