Representing the Company and Representing Yourself Discussion Questions, homework help
Write a two to three paragraph response at a minimum for each item.1 Week 7 "Representing the Company andRepresenting Yourself" Please respond to the following:Inan effort to reduce costs, many companies today are outsourcing work thatthey currently do internally. Imagine that you have been asked to find asuitable vendor for a particular task and negotiate a contract to governthe relationship. Examine the impact of negotiating an outsourcingcontract on both the potential vendor and the current employees. Create aplan that will minimize that impact for both parties affected by thenegotiations From the e-Activity, create a plan for getting theraise you want. Predict two roadblocks that may arise during negotiationsand recommend two ways to deal with those roadblocks. Also, propose a wayto artfully say “no” when your boss or other company officers ask you todo something that you just do not have time to do or that you do not thinkwill help your career. 2 Week 8 "Buying a New Car and Paying thePrice" Please respond to the following:There are a lot of factors to considerwhen purchasing a new car. There are so many different types of vehicles,styles, and dealerships from which to choose. Since preparation is the mostimportant part of any negotiation, explain the preparation steps you’ll need toaccomplish before you go to negotiate the price of a new car. Create a planthat will get you the best possible price for a new car. From the e-Activity, analyze the differentoptions available for financing your new car. Develop a plan that details howand where you can get financing information prior to buying a new car. 3 Week 9 "Purchasing the American Dream and TheCommercial Market" Please respond to the following:From the e-Activity, determine thepreparation that needs to take place before calling the realtor. Support youranswer with information specific to the area in which you are interested inpurchasing a home. Commercial property usually costs a lotmore than an ordinary house; so many businesses prefer to lease the property.Determine the three most important issues to you if you were trying tonegotiate a commercial property lease. Explain why these three are your topissues and develop a plan that will ensure these items are part of the lease.
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