military draft, Argumentation Essay
Write a 500-750 word argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development. 2 outside sources are required. Please don't copy and paste any essay. This work must be original.For argumentative/persuasive topics, see the list at the end of Chapter 11, Argumentation-Persuasion, in The Longman Reader. These are suggestions and other topics are allowed.Topic suggestions:1. Hiring or college admission quotas2. Giving birth control to teenagers3. Prayer in School 4. Same sex marriage5. Reinstating the military draft6. Penalties for plagiarism 7.Increasing the retirement age8. Spouses sharing housework equally9. Smoking in public places10. Big-time sports in college Writing Approach Knowing how to brainstorm is going to save you from writing a weak essay. Also, knowing how to support your claims with evidence from outside sources will further strengthen your essay. For that reason, this assignment requires the use of two references. An effective argumentative essay must have evidence to make its case; most arguments that occur in daily life happen in the heat of the moment and are more likely directed toward saving one's own pride than toward giving clear and supportive proof to one's claims.
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