Dissemination of Information Response, assignment help
With the spread of the internet, many healthcare organizations, communitycenters and public health officials had to adjusted to better serve theirpatients. What cause great concern to me in the age of this new technology isthe accuracy of information being published. To be accepted by the public, theinformation needs to come from credible sources either a government agency orpartnership between public and private. I strongly believe that the government, through publichealth organizations should have the right to commandeer privately owned socialmedia. The reason Im supporting that idea is, in the event of a major publichealth catastrophic, access to any portion of the population can save thousandsof lives. Also, its an important tool to educate young people regardingdiseases and prevention since many of them are mostly actives social mediauser. Like the alert system with cellphones and TVs, social media can servethe same purpose as a method of communication which can delivered accurate,accessible, and actionable health information that is targeted or tailored(www.healthypeople.gov/2020). Upon discovered a potential serious infection disease inthe local area, I would use all available media in partnership with the privatesector. First, the broadcast system specially in the evening to get theattention of the baby boomers because they are still relied on normal eveningnews to learn new information. Second, I would use the print media for thosewho have no time at all but always on the run. Third, the social media to getthose who are technology savvy and modern such example would be publictransportation, almost everyone have their eyes glue on a smartphone.Response GuidelinesRead the post from my classmate above and respond with an engaging critical thinking response. The answer has to be a minimum of 150 words and one peer-reviewed & scholarly reference and citation.Explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with my classmate'sthinking, and share additional insights you may have on the issuesraised. Where possible, provide evidence.
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