White-collar crimes, science homework Response
White-collar crimes for a long time did not receive therequired attention from law enforcement agencies and the high-profile offendersheld the image of highly-respected members in country but with time thisperception slowly drifted to bad guys perception by members of the public.The perception changed over time due to the fact that the seriousness ofwhite-collar crimes could not be overlooked by law enforcement agencies as wellas the general American public. White-collar crime normally results intoserious financial damage or financial loss that goes over and beyond thefinancial loss occasioned by ordinary crimes (Barnett, 2011). The other dangerof white-collar crimes is that it erodes and sets low moral standards tocitizens since they are committed by those in leadership positions who aresupposed to set a good example to citizens. The crimes are normally omittedfrom FBIs uniform Crime Reports due to the difficulty in measuring white-crimeby the UCR data.ReferencesBarnett (n.d). The Measurement of white collar crimes usinguniform crime reporting (UCR) data. Retrieved December 15, 2011 from U.SDepartment of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation Website http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/nibrs/nibrs wcc.pdfRespond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below... in APA format with At least one reference.....Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague's posting.
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