The Great Depression, history assignment help
Where Did All of the Money Go?In this assignment, you will investigate the collapse of the economy during the Great Depression by discovering the factors that caused it. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.1. Labor and EmploymentGo to Overall unemployment rate in civilian labor force, 1920-2000What occurred in the unemployment rate between 1920 and 1934? (be specific)2. Employment StatusGo to Employment status by industry 1929 19981. How many persons were employed in 1929? 1932?3. Poverty & IncomeGo to Per capita personal incomeWhat was the per capita personal family income in 1935?4. Economy & GovernmentGo to GDP 1930-1998What was the increase in government spending from 1930 to 1940? (in dollars)5. What was the increase in government spending from 1930 to 1940? (in dollars)Go to The Public DebtWhat was the trend from 1920-1925? 1925-1930? 1930-1935?Summarizing-Summarize how these factors collectively led to the Great Depression. This should be at least 350 words.Remember to write in your own words and in complete sentences.
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