Find out how to do one new thing with your computer from the videos given below, computer science homework help
What operating systemdo you use? Watchsomeof the Lynda.comvideos in the InstructorInsights for youroperating system( outhow to doone newthingwith your computerfrom thevideos. Describe whatit is and telluswhich videoandwhich section it camefrom. Try topick somethingdifferentfrom your classmates. Hereis anexample although my operatingsystem isnot Windows 8.1.InWindows 8.1 youcould havethe passwordon yourcomputer set to a veryspecific set ofgestures andtaps? Clickthis picturethen draw acircle aroundthis objectfollowed by adesignated swipeacross thescreen. I sawthat in theWindows 8.1Essential Training under Secure Your Accountwith Passwordsand PINS..Windows10 was released July29, 2015. If you arealready using Windows 10,then tell us 2things youlike betterabout Windows 10and 2things you don'tlikeabout Windows 10.What doyou thinkofthe newbrowser Edge? If youdon't currently useWIndows 10, name3featuresthatwillbedifferentinWIndows10 and 3that willremain thesame. There's avideo in theInstructor'sInsight.
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