Confucius and Aristotle on Virtue, philosophy homework help
Week 8 Assignment 2 - SubmitHereStudents, please view the "Submit a Clickable RubricAssignment" in the Student Center.Instructors, training on how to grade is within theInstructor Center.Assignment 2: Project PaperComparative EssayDue Week 8 andworth 200 pointsThisAssignment 2 writing assignment is a comparative essay focused on topics encounteredin our HUM 111 class. The project will be based on research but will reflectyour views and interpretation of the topic.This project is designed tohelp you stretch your mind and your abilities as an organized, innovative, andcritical thinker. If approached properly, it should also be fun!Choose one (1)of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully.Write a three to four (3-4) page paper (750-1,000 words) that followsinstructions and covers each part of the topic. (The title page and Referenceslist do not get included in this word count).Note:Your instructor may require you to submit your topicchoice for approval before the end of Week 5.For the topicyou choose:1. Establish aclear thesis about your topic as part of the introductory paragraph (often thethesis is the last thing one determines after doing the basic research andoutline; however it will be placed in the first paragraph of your paper).2. This is acomparative essay. Comparison approached properly will require some criticalthinking on your part. Use a point-by-point approach for the essay. That means,if comparing subject A with subject B, don't do the first half of the essay onsubject A and then the second half on subject B--that will seem like two (2)separate essays and comparisons will tend to get lost. Instead, you should bementioning both subjects in most of your paragraphs as you compare themthroughout the essay. Comparisons will identify similarities as well ascontrasts.3. Do not try todo everything on your two (2) subjects. You should end up narrowing your focusto a few insights and issues about the subjects being compared. And, from thosefairly specific points of comparison, you will develop a thesis and glean somelessons.4. Follow closely theinstructions below for your specific topic.5. Include aconcluding paragraph at the end. This paragraph will, in some way, refer backto the thesis established in your first paragraph, since now you havedemonstrated and supported it. It may be here that you also include yourobservations relating your study to the modern workplace or society (see yourtopic). Try to finish with flair!6. Use at leastthree (3) good quality academic sources, with one (1) source being the classtext.Note:Wikipediaandother similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. You are highlyencouraged to use the Resource Center tab at the top of your Blackboard page.Confucius and Aristotle onVirtue. Write an essaycomparing these two (2) ancient thinkers on the concept of virtue or goodethical character and conduct. Stay focused on the issue; keep any biographicalor other information short or limited. As much as possible, analyze theirwritings (in translation, of course), using Confucius'Analects(at and Aristotle'sNicomachean Ethics(at Your paper should:a) Compare the teachings of Confucius and Aristotle onwhat constitutes virtue or good ethical character and conduct, notingsimilarities and differences in specific ideas or emphasis.b) Consider what your findings suggest about differencesbetween ancient Chinese and ancient Greek culture.c) From this comparison, suggest ideas of virtue that canapply to ethics in a modern setting, such as a diverse workplace. The Project Paper willbe graded on:1. The level towhich the instructions were followed for the paper generally and for thespecific topic.2. Theestablishment of a clear thesis about your topic.3. The adequacyand relevance of information, examples, and details which support the generalthesis.4. Covering eachpart of the topic as instructed, including the comparisons, the considerationof ancient cultural differences, and the reflection on lessons for modernsociety or the modern workplace.5. The quality ofyour research and your persuasiveness using critical reasoning.6. The use andacknowledgement of a minimum of three (3) required references (the classtextbook plus at least two (2) other quality academic sources) documented usingthe APA style including both the use of a proper References list and the useof proper in-text citations.7. Adherence tostandard rules of grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, and mechanics, andgeneral clarity of presentation.Your assignment mustfollow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12),with one-inch margins on all sides. Both in-text citations and a Referenceslist are required. Citations and references must follow APA style format. Checkwith your professor for any additional instructions specific to the selectedtopic. (Note:Students can find APA style materialslocated in the course shell for guidance).Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, thestudents name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The coverpage and the reference page are not included in the required page length. Forour purposes, you may omit any abstract page.The specific courselearning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Explain how key social, cultural, and artistic contributionscontribute to historical changes.Explain the importance of situating a societys cultural andartistic expressions within a historical context.Examine the influences of intellectual, religious, political,and socio-economic forces on social, cultural, and artistic expressions.Identify major historical developments in world cultures duringthe eras of antiquity to the Renaissance.Use technology and information resources to research issues inthe study of world cultures.Write clearly and concisely about world cultures using properwriting mechanics.
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