Victim Services, science homework help
Victim ServicesCompensation awarded to crime victimsdates as far back as the Hammurabi Code, in ancient Babylonia. This lawprovided for compensation to robbery victims equal to the amount that wasstolen, in the event that the robber is not caught. In the US, statecompensation programs were the first form of modern victim services, beginningin the 1960s. These programs were essentially designed to help economicallydisadvantaged victims (Young, 2003). By the late 1970s, compensation programstargeted all victims, regardless of financial need (Justice Solutions, 2004). Other victim services involve crisisintervention by professional therapists, mental health workers, social workers,and other mental health professionals, which can be critical to the recoveryfor violent crime victims. Many models of crisis intervention have beendeveloped, but all include some common principles: quickly assessing thevictims problems and resources, and identifying coping mechanisms to help thevictim return to normal functioning behavior (Davis et al., 2013). In addition to addressing mentalhealth needs, crisis intervention agencies may often provide practical help forcrime victims, such as shelter for battered women, or lock repair. SafeHorizon, a New York City victim service agency, provides a good example thathelps victims with a wide variety of needs, from individual counseling toaddress the trauma of violent crime, to arranging for child care or assistingvictims in their interactions with the courts. Safe Horizon also providescounseling in schools and shelters to help children who are witnesses to crimes(Davis et al., 2013).For this Discussion, select one ofthe victims in the Interactive Community. Then review your states compensationprograms and identify services appropriate for that victim. If you do not livein the United States, review any compensation in your area of residence. Thinkabout services not available in your state that might be beneficial for thevictim. Finally, review compensation programs provided in other states to getideas and make comparisons. Post byDay 1 a description ofthe victim you selected and identify the state in which you live. Then describeservices available in your state for that type of victim. Explain the degree towhich you think the services are adequate. Finally, explain any services notavailable in your state that might be beneficial for the victim. One and a halfpage with at least two reference....Itis important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment.Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting anexplanation from the readings.Toget maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed forthisassignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules3) createSUBHEADINGS to identify the key sections you are presenting and4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLESAND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.MULTIPLE USE OF INTEXT CITATIONReadingsDavis, R.C., Lurigio, A. J., & Herman, S. (Eds.). (2013). Victims of crime.(4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Chapter 1,Sexual Violence Victimization of Women, Men, Youth and Children Chapter 10,The Key Contributions of Family, Friends, and Neighbors Cheung, M.,Leung, P., & Tsui, V. (2009). Asian male domestic violence victims:Services exclusive for men. Journal of Family Violence, 24(7),447462. Potocky, M.(2010). Effectiveness of services for victims of international humantrafficking: An exploratory evaluation. Journal of Immigrant andRefugee Studies, 8(4), 359385. Sims, B.,Yost, B., & Abbott, C. (2005). Use and nonuse of victim servicesprograms: Implications from a statewide survey of crime victims. Criminologyand Public Policy, 4(2), 361383. Sullivan,C. M. (2011). Evaluating domestic violence support service programs: Wasteof time, necessary evil, or opportunity for growth? Aggression andViolent Behavior, 16(4), 354360. CoalitionLetter of Support for the Student Nondiscrimination Act. (2011). HumanRights Watch. Retrieved from of Support from a Partner Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11,2015 from, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Victim services. Baltimore, MD: Author.
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