Research Methods, psychology homework help
Unit 9 AssignmentPick a topic of interest that you would want to study. It isrecommended, but not required, to use the same topic you have used for priorlearning activities.What is your topic?What is your research question?What is your hypothesis?Complete the table below:Single Case DesignHow could this method be used with your study question? Describe in 23sentences how you could create a study with this design.What are possible strengths of this approach?What are limitations of this approach?Observational DesignHow could this method be used with your study question? Describe in 23sentences how you could create a study with this design.What are possible strengths of this approach?What are limitations of this approach?Survey DesignHow could this method be used with your study question? Describe in 23sentences how you could create a study with this design.What are possible strengths of this approach?What are limitations of this approach?Quasi-Experimental DesignHow could this method be used with your study question? Describe in 23sentences how you could create a study with this design.What are possible strengths of this approach?What are limitations of this approach?Single Factor Experimental DesignHow could this method be used with your study question? Describe in 23sentences how you could create a study with this design.What are possible strengths of this approach?What are limitations of this approach?If you had a grant to study your topic of interest, which ofthese designs would you use?Why?In a minimum of three pages, write the methods anddiscussion section of a research paper using the selected design. You canchoose to discuss results that confirm your hypothesis or results thatdisconfirm your hypothesis. In the discussion section, be sure to discusslimitations to your study, ways that future research could overcome theselimitations and provide further information, and ways that professionals coulduse the results of your study. Be sure to include a title and reference page,in APA format. Per APA format, all pages should also have a running head.Compose your paper in a Word documentTitle and Reference pages are requiredThe viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustainedThe paper should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling)The writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightfulAPA formatting and citation style should be followed (please visit the KU Writing Center for more information, tutorials, etc. regarding APA citation and formatting style)3-5 pages in length
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