Elder Law-1 Understanding the diseases our elder citizens face helps the paralegal to understand the state of mind, homework help
Understanding the diseases our elder citizens face helps theparalegal to understand the state of mind of your clients; the fears andfinancial and emotional burdens under which they labor.In a 1-2 page paper, respond to the following:What is the fastest growing age group in America today?Is it predicted by demographers that in the year 2030, one in everyfive Americans will be over the age of 65: True or False? Explain.Define "baby boomers."A healthy child born today has an average life expectancy of 68 years: True or False? Explain.Name at least 10 illnesses and conditions that routinely afflict the elderly.What alternate lifestyles are available for the well and ill elderly?What are the major issues with which an elder lawyer must deal?Briefly explain what long-term care insurance is.What are the differences between Medicare and Medicaid?What role does the elder law professional play in the field of elder law?
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