What is ethical egoism Discussion responds,English homework help
Two Response Posts(RP).Respond to two other studentsor instructor postsRPs should be 150-250 wordsAdd new content, adistinction, or hypothesis and demonstrate how this new information makes thetopic thread more clearDraw attention to aconsideration that has been neglected, and demonstrate how this new informationmotivates clearer understanding of the topicStudents should contribute tothe discussion based on their course acquired knowledge in a meaningful way.Posts that simply agree with the IP will not be graded.Responses will be graded forcontent, length, and level of introspection.Discussion 1What is ethical egoism? One quote is our books sums it up: some peoplebelieve that we have no duties to others. On their view, known as EthicalEgoism, each person ought to pursue his or her own self-interest exclusively.This is the morality of selfishness. It holds that our only duty is to do whatis best for ourselves. Other people matter only insofar as they can benefit us,(Raches, Rachels, pg. 65, 2015).It is very difficult for me to wrap my mind around the concept of EthicalEgoism, because its entirely contradictory to the basis of nursing. I wasraised to be honest, do the right thing, help others without seekinggratification, and to do these things because my purpose in life is bigger thanmy selfish wants or even needs. I feel that its possible for me to love andvalue myself, without feeding into a self-important ego.The idea of us and them is based on the ugly habit of division, in humannature. Superior and inferior separation of human beings is the foundation ofEthical Egoism. When we place our individual, or common interest, needs on aplatform, we are denying that other people have an equal need(s) to be met.Basically to say, My only requirement in life is to make ME happy, and Idont place any importance on your existence in my life, unless I need you, oryou can do something that will make ME happy. The problems that occur with thistype of thinking and functioning, in society, is a real detachment fromcommunity, team work, healthy relationships with give and take, as well as,increased room for conflict. When the boundaries are broken down, there becomesa free-for-all. Suddenly the popular phrase, its either gonna be us, or them,fueling fear and defense, describes the new precedent for society; fully dividedand on the defense.Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2015). The elements of moral philosophy(Eighth ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.Discussion 2Do you feel that political figures in the UnitedStates struggle with pragmatism? Support your stance with theory and currentevents.RPs should effectively supportagreement or disagreement.,Ifeel that Donald Trump is a pragmatist, when he sees a problem he does not seeit as liberal or conservative like most politicians. This is probably becausehe is really not a politician. He is a business man. For this reason when hesees a problem he sees that it has to be fixed. He may not take the mostpopular approach to fix the problem, but as a business man he is probably notworried about making friends. I feel that he sees viewing problems as liberalor conservative just creates more problems, because it boosts spending to fixthe problem, lets say in the most conservative way. Lets take immigration forexample, it is a problem that needs to be dealt with in the most pragmatic way.Now Donald Trump may not say the right things or lay out his plan the rightway, but in the end he may solve the immigration problem. He also sees that thecurrency problem in China needs to be fixed and I feel that he will take apragmatic approach to deal with this problem. Like I said before he is abusiness man and will handle business. Other politicians need to be pragmaticin the way that when they see a problem they find a way to fix it, not dancearound the subject and try not to hurt feelings or try to make friends by makingpromises they know they will not keep.
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