The Evolution of TCP/IP and the Internet, research paper help (2-3 pages)
Topic:"The Evolution of TCP/IP and the Internet."Format: Length - 2-3 pages, excluding cover page, illustrations, and references Margins - 1.5" top, 1" left, right, and bottom Spacing - Double-spaced for normal text, single-spaced for long quotes Font Size - 10 - 12 point Font Styles - Times New Roman Writing Styles - APA Illustrations - Welcome if of good quality Cover Sheet - Should include topic, course ID, student name, and date References - A total of four references must be used. References must be listed on a reference page at the end of your paperCiting Sources: Works used – This is the source material you used to support your research project. Works consulted – You probably looked at many sources before you located usable material, and you deserve credit for this research. Your work will be considered for credit for works consulted; list your preliminary sources as consulted works.
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