Funding for General Education VS STEM in Primary and Secondary schools, writing homework help
Topic:Fundingfor General Education VS STEM in Primary and Secondary schoolsIdentify the global societalproblem within the introductory paragraph and conclude with a thesisstatement that states your proposed solution(s) to the problem. Describe background informationon how that problem developed or came into existence. Show why thisis a societal problem, and provide perspectives from multiple disciplinesor populations so that you fully represent what different parts of societyhave to say about this issue.Construct an argumentsupporting your proposed solution(s). Be sure to consider multipledisciplines or populations so that your solution shows that multiple partsof society will benefit from this solution. Provide evidence from multiplescholarly sources as evidence that your proposed solution is viable.Interpret statistical data fromat least three, peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Do this by discussing thevalidity, reliability, and any biases; identifying the strengths andweaknesses of these sources; and pointing out limitations of currentresearch and attempting to indicate areas for future research. You mayeven use visual representations such as graphs or charts to explainstatistics from sources. Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from yoursolution. Be sure to provide at least one positive ethical outcome as wellas at least one negative ethical outcome that could result from yoursolution, and explain at least two ethical issues related to each of thoseoutcomes. It’s important to consider all of society.Develop a conclusion as thelast paragraph(s) of the essay, starting with rephrasing your thesisstatement and then presenting the major points of the topic and how theysupport your argument. TheFinal Argumentative EssayMust be 3,300 – 3,900 words inlength (approximately between 10 – 12 pages; excluding title and referencepages) and formatted according to APAstyle as outlined in the AshfordWriting Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedRunning header with pagenumbersMust include in-text citations from at least 10scholarly sources. Be sure to integrate your research rather thansimply inserting it.Must document all sources inAPA style as outlined here and here.Must have no more than 15%quoted material in the body of your essay based on the Turnitin report.Reference list will be excluded from the Turnitin originality score.Must include a separate referencepage that is formatted according to APA style as outlinedin the Ashford Writing Center.Source Document Requirements:Multimedia sources (such asvideos) may be used, but no more than two such sources may be used. Ifmultimedia sources are used, they must be authored and distributed bycredible sources, such as universities, law schools, medical schools, orprofessors, or found in the Ashford University Library.Government sources may beused, but no more than two such sources may be used. Examples,,,, etc. These websites can beused to make a stronger point about your proposed soluation within theargument.Where print documents are usedfor source materials, those must be peer-reviewed, scholarly journalarticles, and academically published books. Popular media sources (e.g.,newspapers, magazines, television and radio shows, etc.) must not be used.Materials from advocacy groups (e.g., Greenpeace, Human Rights Campaign,National Organization for Women, etc.) must not be used.Sites such as andWikipedia must not be used.Religious texts must not beused.
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