Consumer Behavior Model: Environmental factors, marketing homework help
Topic is Diet CokeDirectionsRefer to the product or service you selected at the beginning of thesemester. This week you want to take a closer look at what consumerfactors may be relevant for customers considering buying your product orservice offering. This will require some critical thinking on yourpart based on your own behavior if you are a customer yourself, or youmay want to talk to others who have purchased the product. Sometimesyou can find clues when looking at the product or service’s marketingmessages that may be addressing some of these factors. You will be relying less on what you read in the literature and moreon your critical thinking skills and your ability to apply themarketing concepts to your product or service. You won't be able tofind 'right' answers to the questions anywhere, so don't waste timelooking. You need to reason your responses based on what you now knowabout your product or service, its customers and the marketing conceptsdiscussed in the course to date. Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your nameand the product or service. Then answer the following four questions inorder and number the beginning of your response to each question. Consumer Behavior Model: Environmental factors. Refer to the week's readings and the model of consumer behavior, identify twoof the most important environmental factors you think are relevant tothe customers of your product or service offering. Explain yourchoices.Consumer Behavior Model: Consumer factors. Refer to this week's readings and the model of consumer behavior, identify the threemost important consumer factors you think are relevant to the customersof your product or service offering. Explain your choices.Role of involvement in consumer decision-making. Identify the level of involvement a customer of your product or servicemight use to make a purchase/no purchase decision. Then, discuss whichtype of buying behavior is most consistent with that level ofinvolvement.Consumer decision-making process. Gothrough the six steps of the purchase process outlined in the readingsand identify where marketing can influence each of the six steps. Forexample, if a consumer just identified a need for your product in stepone, then the company can advertise how your product fills that need. Or, if a consumer purchased your product, the consumer can be calledand asked about their satisfaction with the product and if there is anydissatisfaction steps can be taken to ensure the customer satisfaction. Be sure to be more specific with respect to your product or servicethan this example. •Yourassignment should be the equivalent of two pages of double-spaced text,approximately 1/2 page for each of the four questions.•Usea simple 12-point font such as Times New Roman.• You may use MLA or APA style,
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