Paper on Diversity (Gender, Sexual Orientation, Socieconomic Status, Race), psychology homework help
-Topic- Education levels among men and woman and their socioeconomic status andhow it effects child and adolescent development. -Here are the references that can be used but can use others as well just need a minimum of 10 resources can be more.-Papers need to address things like gender, race/ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation/identity, socioeconomic status- How might I facilitate social change through dissemination of your work?-Minimum 8 pages 1. Bregman,H. R., Malik, N. M., Page, M. J., Makynen, E., & Lindahl, K. M. (2013).Identity profiles in lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth: The role of familyinfluences. Journal of Youth& Adolescence, 42(3), 417430.2. Collier,K. L., van Beusekom, G., Bos, H. W., & Sandfort, T. M. (2013). Sexualorientation and gender identity/expression-related peer victimization inadolescence: A systematic review of associated psychosocial and healthoutcomes. Journal of SexResearch, 50(3/4), 299317. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.3. West-Olatunji,C., Shure, L., Garrett, M. T., Conwill, W., & Rivera, E. (2008). Rite ofpassage programs as effective tools for fostering resilience among low-incomeAfrican American male adolescents. Journalof Humanistic Counseling, Education, & Development, 47(2),131143. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.4. Zosuls,K. M., Miller, C. F., Ruble, D. N., Martin, C. L., & Fabes, R. A. (2011). Genderdevelopment research in sex roles: Historical trends and future directions. Sex Roles, 64, 826842. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.5. Ready,D. D. (2010). Socioeconomic disadvantage, school attendance, and earlycognitive development: The differential effects of school exposure. Sociology of Education, 83(4),271286. 6. Sutherland,A. (2015). Why do more women then men go to college? Retrieved from: Appleton,A. A., Buka, S. L., McCormick, M. C., Koenen, K. C., Loucks, E. B., &Kubzansky, L. D. (2012). The association between childhood emotional functioningand adulthood inflammation is modified by early-life socioeconomic status. HealthPsychology, 31(4), 413-422. doi:10.1037/a00273008. Bowey,J. A. (1995). Socioeconomic status differences in preschool phonologicalsensitivity and first-grade reading achievement. Journal Of EducationalPsychology, 87(3), 476-487. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.87.3.4769. Espinosa,M. P., Sigman, M. D., Neumann, C. G., Bwibo, N. O., & McDonald, M. A.(1992). Playground behaviors of school-age children in relation to nutrition,schooling, and family characteristics. Developmental Psychology, 28(6),1188-1195. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.28.6.118810.Gottlieb,D. (1964). Goal aspirations and goal fulfillments: Differences between deprivedand affluent American adolescents. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 34(5),934-941. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.1964.tb02249.x
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