Tool testing Report, Computer Security assignment help
To respond to various computer security breaches and perform a properforensics investigation, it is important to ensure that tried and truetools and software are utilized. Tool testing provides a confirmationthat the tool or software that you are using to perform a forensicinvestigation is performing the actions that you intend and nothingmore.The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has arigorous testing program for computer forensic tools and equipment.You can review and learn more about the NIST Tool Testing Program by visiting: For this assignment, you are asked to prepare a written report that includes the following three sections:Provide an overview of the NIST Computer Forensic Tool Testing program and its usefulness to computer forensic investigators.Describe in detail the work that NIST has done in testing disk imaging and deleted file recovery tools.Describe the significance and importance of the various computer forensics offerings from NIST as shown on this site:*** 2 -3 pages in APA with 2 references in text with a reference page ***
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