Human Service Assignment, writing homework help
To prepare for this project, make a list of three ofthe most prevalent social problems experienced by people who live in your townor city (e.g., unemployment). Then, make a list of the types of services thatsomeone who has these problems might need. Think about the information that youdiscussed in the Survey of Social Problems class. Then, using information fromyour Applied Skills in Human Services course, create a plan that solves theproblems described in the following scenario.Scenario:You are working as a community resource coordinator ata Workforce One Stop. Your primary duties are to attend community fairs andevents to advertise the services provided at the One Stop (usually jobtraining, food stamps, cash assistance, housing, and referrals to substanceabuse and mental health treatment). Further, you collect information about yourtowns agencies, for profit and not for profit, and provide updated informationto the intake specialists and employment counselors who work directly withclients. Your supervisor has given you a task: If you complete it, you will be promotedto intake specialist. You are excited because you want a promotion and raise,but the task seems impossible. In the past, you have done a great job ofupdating the agencys database, but case managers and counselors were still notable to get clients connected with services effectively.The task:You are to create a coordination of services plan, aplan to update and connect clients in your agency with appropriate servicesoffered by other agencies. The plan must include:Guidelinesfor confidentiality of client information during the referral processGuidelinesfor identifying barriers to service (e.g., transportation or cost ofservices)Guidelinesfor making, tracking, and assessing the success of referrals to eachagency Areasonable timeline that specifies the time from first the meeting withthe client to the time that the referral is made to the amount of time forchecking with the client or agency to assess the effectiveness of thereferral Guidelinesfor coordinating all of the referrals to help the client to manageappointments and servicesAssume that your clients will need access to substanceabuse, mental health, domestic violence, and job training services. Be ascreative as possible when creating your plan; you may add a chart with yourtime line or a graphic that shows how someone in your agency might coordinatethe clients services (e.g., flow chart).Be specific and brief as you write your plan. Think ofit as a guide to be used by case managers and other specialists in your agency.In your body of the paper, use the followingsubheadings in any order:Guidelines for ConfidentialityGuidelines for Making and Evaluating ReferralsIdentifying BarriersTimeline for ReferralsGuidelines for Coordinating ServicesThis project should be between 800 and 1000 words, notincluding your title and reference pages (only if you choose to use references,these are not required). You are required to give credit to the sources you useand to use proper APA formatting. Refer to the APA Quick Reference for helpwith APA, or refer to the Kaplan Writing Center or your instructor. Rememberthat all work must be your own, and plagiarism is not tolerated. Be sure toreview the plagiarism policy in your syllabus.
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