Need help with political science and an Essay - Public Policy
Thischapter of your textbook goes a lot of different directions, but seems centeredaround the assertion that Texas' culture of low taxes and low spending createsor worsens poverty.There's another side to the story, though. Even the San Francisco Chronicle,which is pretty liberal, notes in this article that Texas fares much better in the statistics when you accountfor its low cost of living.The idea seems to be that with a strong economy and lots of job opportunity, astate doesn't need to spend as much on social services and public assistance.On the other hand, every state has citizens who are not capable of survivingwithout assistance. State government provides much of this through the SNAPprogram (formerly food stamps)and TANF(welfare). Advocates feel strongly that Texas should spend more on socialservices. Texas' social safety net is also feeling the pinch from federalbudget cuts, as explained in this Dallas Morning News article.Write a 3 - 5 pages essay about thelevel of social services provided in Texas. Explain the TANF and SNAP programs.Discuss the tradeoff between the higher taxes that would be required to fundmore generous social services programs and the economic benefits realized bylow-income Texans as a result of the strong low-tax economy.Submit in Word. Cite your sources.
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