Interpretation. In more psychological terms, this is called the diagnostic stage. It is here that the counselor begins the process of refining what the client is sharing
This week, we will work on the second major part of your Case Study Interpretation. In more psychological terms, this is called thediagnostic stage. It is here that the counselor begins the process ofrefining what the client is sharing. Since this is not a live session,the process of interpretation that would normally happen throughclarifying questions by you the counselor, obviously cannot happen.Therefore, your interpretation will need to be entirely drawn from whatyou perceived through the videos, the Intake Form, and your interactionwith your fellow counselors (i.e. classmates & Facilitator). To start this process, it will help to review the observations youmade last week. As you review your observations, do you see patterns,clues, insinuations, specific behaviors, or traces of symptomaticissues? Some of these may be blatant, others may be discovered as youdevelop connections between what seem to be isolated statements orthoughts. Eventually, these insights will help you develop diagnosticimpressions, which will then be used to develop an actual diagnosis.Depending on the level of perceived severity or even just forclarity, it will be helpful to leverage the DSM to help you in yourdiagnosis. A summarized version of the major diagnostic categories canbe found here: Diagnostic Categories. You may also find it useful to directly cite the DSM.When making a diagnosis, keep in mind that diagnoses are to beordered. According to the DSM-5, the first diagnosis (if there aremultiple) is called the principal diagnosis. It is viewed as the primaryissue. If there are other diagnoses, these should be listed in order ofclinical need. Feel free to use Subtypes, Specifiers, and Severity aspart of your diagnosis, if you feel comfortable using these elements ofthe DSM. It may be that you believe that there are indications of an issue,but you are not comfortable just pronouncing a diagnosis. The DSM allowsfor that. If this is true, simply designate your diagnosis asprovisional. . You can then describe what more needs to be consideredbefore confirming the diagnosis.Based on your Rubric, the Interpretation Section of this analysis shouldaddress each of the topic/issues below.Things to keep in mind (and help) as you develop your Interpretation Section:1. Some issues may be comorbid(co-occurring). If you believe that there are comorbid issues, it willbe essential that you describe the etiology and diagnosis for both,including a description of how the two orders may exacerbate each other.2. Be sure to discuss thepsychosocial and environmental factors that may be influencing theclient. One of the things you have learned through your interaction withthe College is our focused on a holistic understanding of people (FitHeart, Fit Mind, Fit Body, and Fit Soul). It is no different here. Ifthere are issues that are influencing the well-being of the person, itis your task to recognize and articulate those, describing the possibleeffects. 3. Have you considered the culturalperspective? Symptomology can be effected by our cultural heritage. Itmay also affect how we interpret the behaviors of others. In otherwords, are you ensuring that the culture of the client is beingconsidered?4. When discussing psychologicalperspectives, be sure to cite your sources. This will help you injustifying your approach, as well as help the Facilitator understandyour interpretation.5. You will need to justify your psychological perspective and highlight how that perspective influence your diagnoses.a. EXAMPLE: ApplyingEriksons Psychosocial Stage of Development (CITE), the client isstruggling through the Generativity vs. Stagnation phase. Specifically,the client wrestles with feelings of inadequacy, pride inaccomplishment, and sense of unity with fellow coworkers and peers. Thishas led to anxious behavior and depressive ideology.
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