drug use/abuse, law homework help
This is the first paper in a series of two papers on the samedrug. For these papers you will choose one drug to research frommultiple angles.For this assignment, you will effectively begetting inside the head of the drug user and seeing the problem fromtheir perspective. Writea research paper discussing what the use and abuse of one specific drugfrom a user’s immediate perspective. Basically I want you to explainwhy people choose to use/abuse the drug, how the actual “high” impactsthem positively and negatively, what impact addiction has on everydaylife, and how easy it is to hide the abuse and/or quit using thedrug. What I don’t want to see is medical statistics, a discussion oflong term use problems, arrest figures, unemployment data, etc. Rememberthat the goal is to first understand and then explain drug use/abusefrom the user’s perspective, not society’s perspective. You will need atleast six peer reviewed sources (one of which can be the Buzzed text). Youwill write an academic paper that contains at least 6 pages of content(not including title page, abstract, or bibliography). The paper shouldlook like this:Title Page (1 page)Abstract (1 page)Main Paper (at least 6 pages)- Introduction- Body- ConclusionBibliography (1-2 pages, only needed if you are writing option 1)Before turning in the paper, make sure it includes: - 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins- At least 6 pages of content- Your last name somewhere in the file name- At least 6 sources (if you choose option 1)- APA 6th edition citation and referencing (remember that any in text citation needs a corresponding entry on the bibliography, and any entry on the bibliography needs corresponding in text citations).
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