Terms of Meaning, sociology homework help
This is a Social Science Class:Must be in own words Detail, with very specific examples ofeach item, the meaning of the following concepts related to statisticaldata gathering: Be sure that the concept is first defined, IN YOUR OWNWORDS, and that you use a concrete example to illustrate yourunderstanding of the statistical concept: variable; latent variables;manifest variables; operational hypothesis; constants; independentvariable; dependent variable; status variable; validity; reliability;epistemic relationship; data collection; unit of analysis; population;sample; representativeness; random sample; discrete variable; dichotomusvariable; continuous variable; discriptive statistics; inferentialstatistics; inference; statistical significance; measures of associationYou may have to use outside sources as well as your textbook tonavigate and understand these terms. Be sure that all sources areproperly cited at the end of your submission on a reference page.
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