Child Development Lesson 11
There is 2 parts. A discussion and an Assignment...DiscussionStep 1: Describe physical andcognitive changes that occur during adolescence.In the first part of your discussionpost, describe at least three physical and/or cognitive changes that occurduring adolescence. With your description of each major change, please discussthe following:What change occurs and why does it happen duringadolescence?How do an adolescents gender and culture affect theway they experience the change?What challenges are associated with these changes?Use specific information from thetext to develop and support your response. Cite appropriately.Step 2: Outline support strategies.Think about the three or morephysical and cognitive changes in adolescence that you discuss in the firstpart of your post. Then, respond to the question:How, specifically, can teachers and parents supportadolescents as they endure these changes and their associated challenges?Outline at least one supportstrategy for each developmental change that you discuss.Cite all sources appropriately.ASSIGNMENTDeliverables One 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation.One 1-2 page (250-500 word) annotated resource guidefor parents and adolescents.Step 1: Design a 10-15 slidePowerPoint presentation for an audience of parents who have adolescent children.Drawing on knowledge gained throughLesson 11 materials and Chapters 11 and 12 in our course text book, design apresentation on adolescent development, risky behaviors, and interventionstrategies for an audience of parents who have adolescent children.Your presentation should answer thefollowing questions:What changes in physical and cognitive development aretheir children experiencing at this point in their lives?What risky behaviors might adolescent children engagein, and why?What warning signs indicate that adolescent childrenare at risk?What strategies can parents implement to intervene inrisky behaviors and support their children?Since there is a lot of content inour lesson this week, you are going to have to make some choices to focus yourpresentation. Do not attempt to cover every aspect of development and risk.Rather, select a few connected points upon which to focus your presentation anddevelop these points with supportive details. Use content from the text bookand Lesson 11 materials to support the information in your presentation. Citeall sources appropriately.Step 2: Research and compile anannotated Resource Guide for parents and adolescents. Once you have designed a focused,detailed presentation on adolescent development, risk, and interventionstrategies for an audience of parents, compile an annotated resource guide forparents and adolescents based on the specific topics addressed in yourpresentation.Begin by conducting informalInternet research on the topics that you address in your presentation. Forinstance, if you discuss eating disorders, research to find support servicesand intervention strategies for adolescent children who struggle with thischallenge. Your goal is to find at least five sources of information andsupport that you can compile and annotate for parents and adolescents.Once you have located five helpful,applicable resources, cite each one appropriately so that parents andadolescents will know how to locate the resource. After each resource citation,provide a brief 3-5 sentence annotation (summary) of what the resource is andhow it is useful for parents and adolescent children who experience aparticular life challenge.
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