Different classes of audiences , English homework help
Theaudience I interact with can vary from day-to-day. Those that Icommunicate regularly with tend to be school staff, military personnel,medical professionals, family and friends along with the casualinteraction of strangers. When interacting with anyone I try to showthem the same respect that I would appreciate in their place. I havefound, however, that my demeanor is markedly different with each. Forinstance, when communicating with those in the medical or military fieldI hold myself in a more formal manner and keep responses short anddirect whereas with school staff, family and friends is more relaxed andinteractive. Strangers, however, are assessed and addressed each ontheir own accord. This may be the warm and gracious manner in which a,good day to you is received and reciprocated or by the the audience Igain by use of my horn when being cut off while driving.agree with this post 2-3 sentences
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