Whey Protein Supplementation
The title I chose todo my paper on is Whey ProteinSupplementation1. Write a paper about the “Whey ProteinSupplementation” supplement using APA style. This writing style has a built-intemplate in newer versions of Word. You may also use the website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu (Links to anexternal site.), which gives step bystep instructions on this style. 2. The paper must be at least 4 pages inlength, excluding references.3. Also, you must include at least 3 referencesfrom scientific, peer-reviewed journals. Let me know if you havequestions about what constitutes a scientific, peer-reviewed journal.4. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. THESOONER THAT YOU START ON IT THE BETTER.5. Grading criteria can be found in the syllabus.CriteriaPtsTopic for paper submitted on time.10 ptsAPA formatting appropriate.15 ptsPage length was adequate.15 pts3 references from scientific, peer-reviewed journals wereincluded.15 ptsFlow of paper was easy to understand and ideas were supported myscientific research.45 ptsTotal Points: 100
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