Humanities Project - Final Comparative Analysis is Due, business and finance homework help
The time has come to submit your final and complete HumanitiesProject paper. As a reminder, the requirements for this paper are listedbelow.This paper should be written in traditional research paper format,should include two figures from the Humanities (one from the past andone figure from the present, or a completely different era from theother), and should compare and contrast their achievements. Original research paper that is a minimum of 4-5 pages in length,double-spaced, 12 point, with a standard font. In general, pages consistof:Title Page - Captivating title, your name, title of the course, date.Body - 4-5 pages in length. Follow this rough map (outline):Introduction - introduce subjects - (Remember youare comparing and contrasting two figures from different eras) Bringfocus to your study through thesis statement.First Point coming out of thesis statement Support #1 from researchSupport #2 from researchPersonal observationEtc.Second Point coming out of thesis statement Support #1 from researchSupport #2 from researchPersonal opinionEtc.Third Point (if needed) coming out of thesis statement Support #1 from researchSupport #2 from researchPersonal opinionEtc.Conclusion - Reiterate (do not simply restate) your thesis. Remember to mention both subjects here and close with a striking point.
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