Learning and Cognition Handbook, psychology homework help
The primary goal of the Learning and Cognition Handbook is tointegrate concepts from the discipline of learning and cognitivepsychology into a usable and professional guide that is designedfor a specified audience which will be designated based on students’current or future career goals. Students will choose one of fiveassigned constructs and focus their handbook on this specific areaof learning and cognition. Skills and information learnedthroughout the course will be applied in the design and creationof this handbook. Findings from required sources, including thosefrom the text and individual peer-reviewed articles, will beincorporated into the handbook; however, these findings will notconstitute the total information for each of the sub-constructsaddressed within the project. Students should include the relevantsources they researched in the Week Two Discipline-BasedLiterature Review as well as those from the Week Three Assignment. Thepurpose of the handbook is to share helpful strategies, apply thechosen construct to seven sub-constructs in the field, and presenta holistic guide for others that can be used in the discipline. To complete this assignment, students may utilize the Learning and Cognition Handbook templateor create their own using the template as a guide. Each section of thehandbook should be written in the student’s own words with use oflimited paraphrased material cited according to APA standards asoutlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Each section of the handbook should include a minimum of one visual(e.g., table, figure, or image) with a maximum of five visuals persection. Each image must be retrieved and cited based on currentcopyright laws. Students may wish to use the Where to Get Free Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.The following constructs will be the subject content optionsfor this handbook and will be chosen based on an evaluative literaturereview in Week Two and students’ future career goals:The Neurosciences: A Look at Our BrainsSocio-Cognition: Social Interactions in Learning Learning and Literacy: Reading, Writing, and Language DevelopmentDiversity and Culture: The Effects to LearningConnectionism and Learning: A Web of DevelopmentThe sections listed below must be used within the paper to delineate the sections of content.Table of ContentsIn this section, students will list all sections andsubsections included in the handbook with the applicable page numbers.PrefaceIn this section, students will provide a 100- to 150-wordoverview of the handbook and its potential use by the chosen audience.Introduction to Chosen ConstructIn this section, students will provide a 200- to 300-wordintroductory summary of the chosen construct and discuss any careers inpsychology specifically related to this construct. Beginning with thework completed in Week One, students will include the language fromtheir personal epistemology (revised based on instructor feedback andthe further development of their ideas and beliefs throughout thecourse and the program thus far).Chosen ConstructIn this section, students will provide information thatcommunicates how and why the chosen construct of learning and cognitionaffects the following sub-constructs through synthesizing thelearning principles and/or theories. For each of the sub-constructs,students will apply basic research methods and skeptical inquiry toexplain the theoretical perspectives and empirical findings thatsubstantiate the relationship between the construct and thesub-constructs. Although creative liberties are encouraged, allinformation incorporated should be supported and professionallypresented through the consistent application of ethical principles andadherence to professional standards of learning and cognitionpsychology as applied to the chosen audience. Sub-ConstructsInformation for each sub-construct will be presented in 500 to 700 words.ComprehensionProblem Solving Memory Development/Retention Lifelong LearningDomains and Domain Learning Affective Outcomes of EmotionEffects of Demographic Differences (e.g., gender, socioeconomics, religious affiliation, race)ConclusionIn this section, students will provide a 200- to 300-wordsummarization of the handbook in which they describe the importance ofthe chosen construct and assigned sub-constructs within the learningand cognition domain and their applicability within the psychologyprofession for the chosen audience.Attention Students: The Masters of Arts inPsychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as arepository for student scholarly work in the form of signatureassignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback forthis Learning and Cognition Handbook, please implement any changesrecommended by the instructor, go to Pathbrite and upload the revised Learning and Cognition Handbook to the portfolio. (Use the Pathbrite Quick-Start Guideto create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload ofsignature assignments will take place after completing each course. Becertain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the programas the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and maybe used by individual students as a professional resource tool. Seethe Pathbrite website for information and further instructions on usingthis portfolio tool.The Learning and Cognition HandbookMust be 4000 to 7000 words (see instructions and rubric for each section and sub-construct) following the Learning and Cognition Handbook templateas a guide. Although a handbook differs from a written paper, allcitations and references must be formatted according to APA style asoutlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a title page with the required information from the handbook template:Title of handbookStudent’s nameInstitution’s nameStudent’s contact information (address and email)Course name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust include the sections and subsections required as indicated in the handbook template.Must address the construct and sub-constructs with critical thought and substantiated assertions.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that isformatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford WritingCenter at the end of the handbook and precedes any optional appendicesif applicable to the project.
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