Brexit impact on Tourism and Loss of Jobs--International Finance, writing homework help
The Paper is about should Britain leave the EU? EU stands for European union. Write the paper as if this is the past and are advising the british prime minister on what we should do. My part of the paper is to focus on the positive effects on Tourism and the Negative effects on the loss of jobs. should be about 5 pages long. please follow the information below as it comes directly from the professor. The part in bold is important, if outside sources are used please properly quote them and have a proper works cited pageIf you choose to be a Government consultant:Pick an Internationaldecision that a Government has recently made or is contemplating. For example, shouldBritain be advised (for the sake of British citizens) to leave the EU (EuropeanUnion)? This approach to this projectshould be similar to the international corporate decision project, exceptinstead of reporting to a Board of Directors and focusing on the decision as itaffects firm value, instead, you will report to a Congressional Committee andfocus on the maximization of social welfare.Inwriting your report, you are welcome to use electronic sources for information.You must however provide references (by using quotation marks and footnoteswith the precise reference) and make it clear precisely what is and is not yourpersonal writing and analysis versus what comes directly from a source. If Icannot tell clearly what you write as opposed to what comes froma source, at best this will count heavily against you and at worst your groupwill face plagiarism charges.WhenI grade the report, I will be concentrating a lot more on the "why's"than the "what's". In other words, do not simply bombard me with anoverload of data. Everything you present should have logical relevance towardsyour goal of maximizing firm value or social welfare. Your goal as an effectivecommunicator is to explain how and why your data is relevant to firmvalue / social welfare.
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