jodi Arias, science discussion help
The murder case Ihave selected for this discussion is the one that happened on June42008,where a sales man in the name of Travis Alexander born in77was murdered in cold blood by his ex girlfriend Jodi Ann Arias in hishome in Mesa Arizona .Jodi was then convicted of the first degree murderin 2013but then convicted to natural life sentencing in state prison in2015for the murder of Travis Alexander.The relationship between theoffender and the victim is of boyfriend and girlfriend.JodimurderedTravisbecausehe was goingon a trip with anotherwoman and not her . She stabbedhim 29 times and put a bullet in his headthat made him to die. The relationship between the two influenced this murderbecause one partydidn'twant to let go she was stalking him forleaving her for someone else. She didn'tkill him in self defense as sheclaimed in her previous testimony becauseshe planned thismurderrented a car and drove all the way to Alexander's home where shekilled him. Before the murderat Jodi's grandparentshome there was agun missing which was the same gun wounds found on Alexander the deceased. shekilled him out of jealousy because she couldn'tsee him with someone else,she was obsessedwith himReference: of crimeRespond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below... in APA format with At least one reference.....Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague's posting.
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