Health outcomes in India, Health and Medical homework help
The Haves and Have Nots: Why Are There Disparities?Earlier in the course, the different population health outcomes oftwo culturally and economically similar neighbors (the U.S. and Canada)were considered. This week, the focus shifts to the eastern hemisphereand an examination of health inequalities between and within nationswith large, diverse populations.Both India and China had similar health outcomes at the end of WWII.Unlike India, Chinas health improved tremendously over the next 30years. When it did not have a focus on economic growth, Chinas healthachievements surpassed India. Since the economic reforms 30 years ago,health progress in China has not been growing as much. Today, India isbooming and is home to some of the richest people in the world, but itis also home to more food insecurities than anywhere else in the world.To prepare for this Assignment, review yourLearning Resources this week. Consider how certain large populationswithin a single political entity can still display disparate healthoutcomes. Think about how areas such as Kerala can have remarkablydifferent health outcomes than the countries they are in. What makesthose areas different from the rest of the country?The Assignment (34 pages):Describe two health outcomes for which India and China have had different experiences in the last half century. Explain the reasons for the disparities noted.Describe the experience for those outcomes in Kerala and suggestreasons for why they are similar or different from the rest of India.Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.Use APA formatting for your Assignment and to cite your resources.
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