The Baroque Period, writing homework help
The Baroque PeriodChapters 8-11, pages 79-149; Bedford/St.Martin’s, Listen!: handbook; 8th EditionGoals for Review at end of each chapterListening Examples: Tracks 15-27 on Disc 1 and Tracks1-13 on Disc 2;6-CDset or; 8th EditionOpera is often considered the pinnacle ofWestern music. Why have generations of music lovers been intrigued by thisgenre? What aspects of opera, seen and heard in the operas by Purcell andMonteverdi discussed in the book and heard on the CD, might account for this?What style features of early Baroque music can be found in the operas ofMonteverdi and Purcell?The rise of purely instrumental music during the late Baroque periodillustrates that the structural elements of Baroque music became developedenough so that they alone could create a viable musical statement without theneed for text or voices. What does instrumental music use in place of text tocreate a sense of meaning? Include the reading and listening examples in yourresponse. Listen to all the examples of Baroque instrumental music,especially the music of Bach and Vivaldi before writing your response. Followany listening charts to help you formulate your response as well
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