Sun Entertainment Group (SEG) , writing homework help
Sun Entertainment Group (SEG) is global performance and entertainment agency based inSacramento, California that grosses over $100 million in revenue. It is moving itsheadquarters to a new campus that contains three adjacent five-story buildings. Each floorof each building will require 20 computers, 20 VOIP phones, 1 wireless access point, andone networked printer. The central building will also have a server room that houses sixservers on the first floor. There are no other locations, so you do not need to provide WANaccess and the organization has decided to use an OC3 Internet connection and theequipment comes with the lease (i.e., you dont have to purchase it) . SEG requires reliableconnections (i.e., wired) for its computers, phones, access points and printers. The wirelessnetwork is an overlay network.
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