Speech Communication in Business, communications homework help
Speech Communication in Business & the Professions APPLIED CONCEPTPRESENTATION The presentationis also designed to reinforce some of the basic aspects of effective publicspeaking (e.g., having effective introductions, conclusions, delivery,organization, support materials, and audience adaptation). The presentation mayhave both informative and persuasive elements. The presentation is worth 15points and should be approximately 3minutes in length. Outsidelibrary/internet research is not required. Rather, I am asking you to draw on the material from chapters 4 or 5 inour text or from your text/notes for another class of your choosing. I amasking you to select one or two concepts from these materials and todemonstrate through the use of such support materials asexamples/illustrations, definitions, and/or visual aids how the concept(s) has(have) especially valuable applications in different business and professionalsituations including ones that you envision being in while pursuing your owncareer goals. Since you only have 3minutes, be careful of being too broad in your choice of concepts. For example,a concept like “listening” (Ch. 4) is too broad, but a specific aspect of listening(e.g., 1/2 listening barriers, a couple of bad listening habits) is moremanageable. Or a concept like “nonverbal communication” is too broad, but aspecific type/aspect of nonverbal communication (e.g., eye contact, personal space) is more manageable in3 minutes. In this first speech we will focus on the following aspects ofeffective speaking. These categoriescoincide with those on the attached critique sheet.Introduction(memorable/dynamic attention getter, clear & manageable thesis, clearpreview, credibility established, thesis relevance established) 2. Conclusion(effective summary/reinforcement of main ideas, thesis relevance reinforced, memorable/dynamic last comment)Explanations& Support Materials (clear explanations, dynamic/interesting explanations, thorough/appropriate amountof support, variety in support types, explanations/support well adapted to audience)Organization(manageable/appropriate number of main & subpoints, points clearly related to thesis and to eachother, effective use of connecting/transition comments between points/subpoints)Delivery(effective vocal variety & dynamism, effective fluency, effectiveloudness & speaking rate, good eye contact, effective gesturing,avoidance of distracting mannerisms) CRITIQUE SHEET—APPLIED CONCEPT PRESENTATION Symbols: 3=good, 2=fair, 1=poorINTRODUCTION 3 2 1 COMMENTS(memorable/dynamic attention getter, clear/manageable thesis,clear preview, credibility established,thesis relevance established)CONCLUSION 3 2 1(effective summary/reinforcement ofmain ideas, thesis relevance reinforced,memorable/dynamic last comment)EXPLANATIONS &SUPPORT 3 2 1MATERIALS(clear explanations, dynamic/interestingexplanations, thorough/appropriateamount of support, variety in supporttypes, sources clearly cited, explanations/support well adapted toaudience)ORGANIZATION 3 2 1(manageable/appropriate number ofmain & subpoints, points clearly relatedto thesis & to each other, effective useof connecting/transition commentsbetween points/subpoints)DELIVERY 3 2 1(effective vocal variety and dynamism,effective fluency, effective loudness &speaking rate, good eye contact, effective gesturing, avoidance of distracting mannerisms) No more than 1 page it will be my note for the speech, and it should include all the points Thank you
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