Ecosystems Biodiversity
Should we mount a massive effort to restore ecosystems that we havedegraded even though this will be quite costly? For this weeksenvironmental controversy we explore this question. Using the textbook,and any additional outside resources, answer the questions below.Write a 1-2 paragraph response to the questions posed to you. Rememberto cite your sources using APA. Ecological restoration, which is discussed in your textbook, has acritical role in protecting and understanding the Earth's environments.Unfortunately, even if personnel and financial resources areavailable, many sites are too damaged to be effectively restored. Insuch cases, alternatives to restoration must be pursued, including:rehabilitation, remediation, replacement, or the creation ofartificial ecosystems. Some individuals worry that large-scale ecological restoration couldmislead the public into believing that any amount of environmentaldamage can be undone. Ultimately, a massive and expensive restorationprogram could be offset by weakened regulations and increasedenvironmental damage in other areas. Furthermore, alternatives toecological restoration may be able to repair more sites at less cost.Based on what you have read and researched, do you believe that theloss of biodiversity is a concern for humans? Should the governmentnot only preserve but restore ecosystems that we have degraded thebiodiversity even though this will be quite costly?
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