The State of Wisconsin began running a Boot Camp , writing homework help
Should be 3 pages Scenario #1: The State of Wisconsin beganrunning a Boot Camp for first time youth drug offenders. The campentails sending the offenders to the north woods from 3/14/2015 -4/27/2015. "Campers" will build their own shelters and cook over openfires. The camp also includes traditional boot camp aspects likeexercise, drills, etc. Billy Badger was given the job of determiningthe effectiveness of the boot camp. The next time the boot camp isconducted, he will compare a random sample of offenders placed intraditional programs (e.g., probation, incarceration, drug treatment,day treatment, house arrest, etc.) to a random sample of offendersplaced in the boot camp. He is planning on comparing the groups onrecidivism rates for the next two years.Scenario #2: Bob's plant shop was trying to determine what wascausing leaves on plants in their shop to change color related totemperature. What would be a design to study leaf color change relatedto temperature?Scenario #3: Jim was trying to determine which gasoline he uses inhis car gets him the best mileage. He use four gasolines: Exxon,Shell, BP and Mobil. What design could be used with this design?1. Write a "Hypothesis" for each of the above proposed studies.2. Write a "Null Hypothesis" for each of the proposed studies. 2. What would be the Independent Variable(s) in each?3. What would be the Dependent Variable(s) in each?4. What problems, if any, do you project with the proposed studies regarding the participants or outcomes?Be sure to organize your writing with all four expectations in each scenario.
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