Argumentation with Examples Essay Should a temple be protected from commercial use, English homework help
Should a temple be protected from commercial use? choose a position on whether the temple should or should not be protected, and why. Your topic sentences will be your various reasons (~4-5) to make your case. Your evidence will be specific (not general) real-world examples. You will also incorporate at least two quotes or paraphrases in arguing your position. (credible sources only. no quora, wikipedia etc..)You'll also use one counter-argument. 4-5 pages + Works Cited IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO NOT PLAGIARIZE AS MY TEACHER HAVE A PROGRAM TO CHECK AND SHE WILL CHECK THIS PAPER FOR SURE! ******I WILL SEND THE NAME OF THE TEMPLE IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE AS I DON'T WANT THIS TO APPEAR ONLINE****I NEED THIS JOB FINISHED BY 4PM LOS ANGELES TIME. PLEASE. THANKS IN ADVANCED
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