Scientific Progress 2-3 page Essay
Scientific Progress Research acontroversial advance emerging in science, such as cloning, gene therapy,atomic energy, stem cell research, or another topic of your choosing, thatdirectly deals with a scientific research.Your topic should be about a new technology or technique, NOT a generalscientific theory like evolution. Youwill research the arguments in favor of and opposed to this technology andwrite an essay arguing for or against the use of the controversial scientificadvance. Your essay should be 2-3 pageslong and should be based on facts and evidence, not simply rhetoric oremotion. You should have at least fourindependent sources to cite in your research. Prewriting: List fivepossible topics for your research. Choosetwo topics and spend some time looking up information about these topics. List the sources you research in yourprewriting notes, with a brief note about what they contain. Choose whichtopic you want to write about, and indicate what your initial reaction to thetopic is: are you in favor of it oragainst it? Research the topic. Try to find sources that are as objective aspossible about the issue at first. Forexample, if you choose to research cloning, you might look for sources that discussthe process without any moral commentary.After youve discovered the facts about the topic, feel free to researchthe emotional side of the issue. Listthe sources that youd like to use in the essay. Be sure to make notes about what informationyou got from each source. First Draft: Write a draft ofyour essay. It should be 2-3 pageslong. After youve written your firstdraft, use the checklist below to make sure it has the required elements. Revised Draft: Rewrite asnecessary: Topic is about ascientific advance or technology, not a scientific theory. My essay arguesfor or against the technology. I have cited atleast four sources, and in my essay, I have indicated where I got myinformation. I have a strongthesis statement and each paragraph in the essay works to support mythesis statement. Each paragraphhas a topic sentence. My essay has aninteresting introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph. I have proofreadfor spelling and grammar errors. Final Draft: You should have twodrafts: First Draft and Final Draft.
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