Narrative Piece, english assignment help
Scenario:You have been asked to write a narrative piece for the Student Collegemagazine, which is a fictional magazine. The magazine is running afeature section on student stories with a focus on how you made thedecision to begin studying at Excelsior. Your goal is to tell your storybut also encourage students who might be considering going to college.The magazine requires an introduction, body, and conclusion in atraditional essay format. Your essay should have a clear thesis andshould include narrative strategies to help engage your audience. Ifyour essay is selected for publication, your writing will be read bythousands of readers. Because the magazine has limited spaceand hopes to publish several narratives, your essay should be short,between 700 and 800 words. You are not required to use any outsidematerials, but if you do, the magazine requires APA documentation.
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