solution folder a Flowchart, pseudocode, photo of of your hand-written plan, programming homework help
Rubric:Plan 2 points: Provide in your solution folder a Flowchart, pseudocode, photo of of your hand-written plan, or type-written algorithm about how you plan to solve the below problem. Filename: Lab6_Plan_YourLastName.docx/vsdx Remember Plan First, Then Code. That is, you may use any technique for planning that you like as long as you do so, and prove to me in this file that you did so. Code 8 points: Zip file of entire solution Folder including planning file. TASK:For Max Points Possible, be sure to validate user input as per the techniques discussed in class, or as per another manner.1. Create a Folder on your saving location called Lab6_YourLastNamePART 1 In your Lab6_YourLastName folder, create a C++ Program called Lab6_Part1_YourFirstName_YourLastName.cpp Write a console application for the following.*Scenario: Create a C++ Program to accept input from the user while the value entered does not equal -1 (the exit value).o If any number other than -1 is entered by the user output to the screeno The number entered times itself (n*n) Make this variable of type Doubleo The number entered divided by itself (n/n) Make this Variable of Type Doubleo Also Output (n+3)/5o Also Output [ ( (n+3)/5 ) + ( (n+7)/2 ) ]Initialized a counter variable called counter to 0Increment counter by 1 with each loop of your programOutput the value of the counter to the screen of the users after the program exits. Test Values:7, 10, -44, 0, j (did anything interesting happen with 0 and j...) write a note in your comments of the program about it... Add a Multiple line C++ comment to the top of the program with your first name, last name, course name section, Name of Text Editor/Software used to create the program, and the a summary of what the program does. Add appropriate C++ Comments to explain the logic behind your chosen method for solving the problem. Comments are also helpful for the reference of future programmers, and for you. Use the appropriate data types, variables, and constant variables to solve the program Trace the program twice using the following data: 100, 12, 7, 0,-1. Save, build and execute your program. PART 2In your Lab6_YourLastName folder, create a C++ Program called Lab6_Part2_YourFirstName_YourLastName.cppWrite a console application for the following.(Assignment inspired by: Source)Ordinals. Write a program that takes a command line argument N and prints out the first N ordinals, followed byHello. % C++ Ordinals 221st Hello2nd Hello3rd Hello4th Hello5th Hello ...10th Hello11th Hello12th Hello13th Hello ...20th Hello21st Hello22nd Hello Hint: consider using (i % 10) and (i % 100)to determine when to use "st", "nd", "rd", or "th" for printing the ith Hello.Add a Multiple line C++ comment to the top of the program with your first name, last name, course name section,Name of Text Editor/Software used to creae the program, and the a summary of what the program does. Add appropriate C++ Comments to explain the logic behind your chosen method for solving the problem. Comments are also helpful for the reference of future programmers, and for you. Use the appropriate data types, variables, and constant variables to solve the programTrace the program twice using the following data: 22, 11, 15, 5, 1, 8, 0, m. Save, build and execute your program.Using zip software, Zip the Entire Lab6_YourLastName folder naming the resulting file
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