Identify a potential project from your organization or from a community group for which you would like to complete a project plan.
Resource: Project Plan Overview and Preliminary Project Charter worksheetPart 1: Project Charter worksheetIdentify a potential project from your organization or from a community group for which you would like to complete a project plan.Complete the Preliminary Project Charter worksheet.Part 2: Preliminary Project PlanPut yourself in the role of a customer, client, or project selection board.Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper composed of the following sections:Project Selection Criterion: Describe the project and the criteria used in the selection process.Overview: The objective of this section is to provide an overview ofthe scope and nature of the project to help enable the team to selectone project to work on for the rest of the course. Preliminary project schedule: The objective of this section is toshow a preliminary summary project schedule with the project tasksincluding the primary deliverables and the activities associated withthem.Preliminary budgetary plan: The objective of the budget section isto capture cost estimates, which include resources, capital expenses,materials, and miscellaneous. The cost analysis must consider thefollowing elements (at a minimum): labor, subcontractors, rental orpurchase of equipment or facilities, travel, telecommunications,supplies and materials, and documentation. The output for this step iscalled project funding requirements.Format your project plan using any standard project management application, such as Microsoft® Project. The software you select must be viewable by all team members and the instructor without downloading any software.Format your paperconsistent with APA guidelines. The paper can use tables to communicatevarious sections. The tables can be within the main body of the papereven though APA guidelines normally require them in the appendix. Note:do not send me 6 files (or whatever the number is) and say "here is ourassignment"...there should be a "master" file that incorporates all thetables, etc. This way I can have everything in one single location. I do need however a seperate file for yourproject plan (i.e. the .mpp MS Project file) so I can view/manipluate itmyself vs a static screen shot in your "master" file. All that beingsaid I should see three attachments for the assignment: The .mpp file,the Project Plan, the Project Charter Worksheet.
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