An Argument consists of a series of statements you use to persuade someone of something, Research essay help
Research Topics This is the last of three essays you were required to write for this class, so lets make it count! Your research project is worth 25% of your final grade. As a reflection of that, it is also the longest paper you will be required to write: 5-8 pages. Apartfrom the usual sections of an essay, which weve discussed in theprevious two occasions, I would like to call your attention to twofeatures weve never talked about before: The Argument and TheCounterargument. An Argument consists of aseries of statements you use to persuade someone of something (aka yourthesis). It is the art of presenting reasons that lead to a conclusion. ACounterargument is the position opposite to your argument. For example,if your argument is that coffee is god for you (this is what you aretrying to prove through your research), your counterargument would bethat it isnt good for you. Seems simple, right? Well, not so much.Lets look at the Argument first: When you are crafting anargument you have to always keep in mind what you are trying to prove(that pesky thesis made its way to this prompt again) and how you aregoing to prove it. Your Argument needs to be persuasive. The best way toachieve this is to use a combination of Rhetorical Devices: Examples,Compare-Contrast, Cause and Effect, Classifying and Dividing, Defining,Describing, Explaining a Process, and Narrating (please note that Summary is not included here, as it is not a rhetorical device;Summary doesnt help prove your point, it only serves as a tool toexplain context to your reader). To prove your argument, you need to bethrough and convincing. Using a combination of rhetorical devices (orall of them, if you need to), will help make prove your point. ForExample, if you are going to argue that coffee is good for you, a goodplace to start might be with a short explanation of what coffee does tothe body when ingested and why this is a good thing. You will also needto explain what caffeine is (definition) because this is the activeingredient in coffee. You could follow with some cause and effect factsfollowed by few examples of how coffee (or caffeine) help people inspecific way (some studies have found it helps prevent cancer, forexample). You can even add a bit of personal narration (your ownexperience with coffee, maybe). The point is, you need to find a way touse as many rhetorical devices as necessary to prove your argument. Next, you need to look atthe weak spots of your argument. From these weak spots, yourcounterarguments will be born. Basically, when building your arguments,try to anticipate every objection someone might raise. For example, ifcoffee is good for you, why does it prevent you from sleeping at night?Why are some people jittery after drinking coffee? Once you find thatweak spot, find some supporting evidence and explain yourcounterargument. Once youve done this, its time for The Refutation, oras some people refer to it, The Turn Back. This is basically the partof the essay where you explain why the counterargument is not valid andwhy you are right. I order to do this you need to return to yourargument. You may refute a counterargument in several ways:By showing it is mistakenYou may acknowledge the validity orplausibility of the counterargument but suggest why it is less importantor less likely than the argument, and invalidate it.Concede its force and restate yourthesis in a more exact or qualified way that takes this objection intoaccount. Be careful, though. This technique works if the counterargumentconcerns only one aspect of your argument; if it undermines your wholecase, you will need a new thesis.Your Counterargument can appearanywhere on the essay (and it will come up several times), but itusually appears in the introduction (before you propose your thesis, ifthe motive of your essay is the existence of a different view), in aparagraph after your introduction, in which you explain the expectedreaction or standard position before turning away to develop your own;and/or in a section before the conclusion of the essay, in which youimagine someone might object to your argument. Be careful where youplace your counterargument when you are organizing your essay, too manyswitches from argument to counterargument will end up obscuring youridea or suggesting you are ambivalent on the matter. As you write this paper,please remember: clarity is your friend. Explain everything to the bestof your ability, use as many examples as you need, and dont assume thatyour reader knows what you are talking about. This is a research paper,which means that you are the expert on your topic.Research Essay Topics:What is a dystopia? What does the success of dystopian literature (Speech Sounds, Lathe of Heaven, We can Remember It For You Wholesale, Ghost in the Shell, amongothers) say about the world that we live in? Is dystopian literaturejust a compendium of cautionary tales or do you think it is a reflectionof the times we live in?
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