Lifeskill Activities for Special Children - research paper
REQUIREDTEXTLifeskill ActivitiesforSpecialChildren 2ndEditionINSTRUCTIONS:Be sure to cover all the basics required in the explanation found in the syllabus. write a 6 page single space or 10 page paper (full page written)include all references posted in the research discussion boarduse APA format for citing referencesinclude a title page and a reference page (word processors do it automatically via their template and create the reference page)use an introduction and conclusion and paragraphs as per standard writing (use the writing lab and/or Smarthinking to help as needed).PROJECTSomeexamples wouldbe:Theseare only suggestions.1.) How infancyaffects lifelongexperiences2.) Howfamily stylesaffect our development3.) The way drugsandalcoholaffect development4.) Do ourfriendsand spousesreflect ourfamilyandexperiencesgrowingTo get an idea. Below is the example of the project: When did parenting turn into obsession? Children used to grow up learning manners,respect and kindness which would then lead to responsible, smart and independent adults.However now there is no longer a line drawn between parents and children when it comes tolearning how to live life. Instead of teaching a child to learn how to be an upstanding citizen,parents heavily use force and over protection to raise their child. In addition this leads childrento have unwanted behavior, problems developing emotionally and being severely attached totheir parents. Over parenting in today's society showcases the need for control and authorityand leads to an unhealthy life for children involved, which is unnecessary and narrow minded. Developing behavior and emotional problems have been linked to over-reactiveparenting, a study was conducted by Shannon Lipscomb which researched hundreds of familiesto observed how the children react to certain situations. It was discovered when a parent raisedits voice to the child it created, from infanthood to 27 months, the toddlers behaviorprogressively got worse. (Dewar 2012) The families tested were made of adopted children sobehavior and genetics needs to be examined which leads to the birth mothers emotional state.Maternal stress can affect the baby with birth and temperamental difficulties however thebiggest impact on a baby is the developmental process after the child is born. (Levine & Munsch2011 P. 167) Children whose mothers had emotional issues did have a higher chance of havingbehavioral problems however having a calm, firm parent can help the child deal with theiremotions. The reason overparenting starts can be a number of different reasons including firstborn, only child or first boy/girl in the family also trying to be the perfect parents, anxiety issuesabout safety and well being of the child and The parenting style of an overprotective parent canbe categorized as demandingness/control meaning parents put a lot of pressure on the childfrom behavior to their actions in everyday life. (Levine & Munsch 2011 P. 520) This type ofparenting is unnecessary, extreme rules and discipline which leads to Anxious Parent, AngryChild syndrome. Parents who always express too much worry towards their child insults theEffects of Overparenting 2child because the issue is trivial, the child can handle the situation on his/her own and finally itcan be a new learning experience to handle the situation. (Phelan 2012) Several parents take parenting to the extreme, they consider you are an even betterparent if you do everything for you child and they never experience the bad parts of life.However this is consider overparenting because the parent is not letting the child learn how tohandle life when it gets difficult but that is not all the effect it has on the childs life. It alsoincludes inhibiting learning, decrease in happiness and confidence, finally stunted growth. Thisleads to a child having depression, anxiety disorder, lake of maturing and no developed skill set.(Agadoni 2013) With this type of parenting it changes the child's perception on their self esteemwith the pressure of always being monitored and told the right direction to take makes a childfeel less than perfect and takes a big hit to their self esteem levels. In addition this techniqueblurs the child's moral judgement they never learned right from wrong so now the child acts outwith bad behavior because they were never taught the right way in the beginning. ( Several parents in this day and age have forgotten what it means to raise a healthy,developed child, parenting has turned into protecting a child from everything. This type ofparenting believes children should not be exposed to negative emotions, must get everythingout of life and should not have to deal with distress. Most of parents have good intentions aboutraising their children to grow up right however all they are doing is hurting the child by not lettingthem learn skills need to live in everyday life, like handling different problems. When growing upand experience real life these children often wonder why there life is not happy and carefree likethey were raised to expect, this creates anxiety and struggle with life decisions. In addition thechilds life can be impacted by the constant nagging to do certain things which can make thechild a hypochondriac or obsessive compulsive. It can also include having low confidence whenit comes to trying something new, meeting new people or trying a sport.Negative reinforcement meaning the bad behavior is continually reinforced by the parentwhich makes the unwanted behavior happen again and again. (Levine & Munsch 2011 P.42) AEffects of Overparenting 3spoiled child is an outcome received from over parenting, parents give their child expensive giftsand disregard bad behavior from the child hoping it will disappear. However this is not longlasting, this creates a selfish child and only teaches them to want immediate gratification. Inlater years this will show in lack of discipline and over-indulgence, they may end up in serioustrouble. Punishment is a key component missing in lives of these children, which address theunwanted behavior with a negative consequence so the child can develop a sense of right andwrong.Communication is greatly effect when it comes to over parenting because children feelthey need to be something they are not to make their parents happy, they start lying. Howeverwhen a parent finds out about this lying problem the child get punished but the cycle neverstops. In addition child become more afraid of the world and new experience even when theyare just young children, doing normal activities like playing in a new place is difficult. This type ofparenting is teaching a child to understand that power is important and people will not questionit, this can later lead to a need to always have the upper hand with people. In the end thecommunication between a parent and child suffer greatly because the child was obeying whatthe parent wanted and would not have open lines of communication to freely talk to oneanother. (Craft 2013)In the world there are many types of discipline reward-punishment system, inductivediscipline, power assertion and love withdrawal. The correct type of punishment technique touse on a child makes a huge difference on who they will grow up to become. Inductive disciplineis having a certain rules the child must follow if disobeyed the child will be taught why the actionis wrong, which will help them to understand good from bad. Power assertion is a method ofparenting which uses control of the child's behavior, if the child acts out punishment includesfirm discipline from the parent. Love withdrawal is just what you would think the parent warnsthe child if they do not act right they will take away their love to the child. (Levine & Munsch2011 P.428) Finally reward punishment system which in this case means you are rewardingEffects of Overparenting 4and punishing a child at the wrong time which encourages bad behavior to continue and neverlearning from their mistakes. With the case of overparenting these parents are using powerassertion method and reward punishment system both unhelpful to the childs developmentalgrowth turning them into materialistic and manipulative people.In adulthood over parenting is still affecting the child who was raised this way, teenpregnancy, issues transitioning to college life, being a boomerang child, constant contact withparents. Adolescent pregnancy is a major issue today some possible reason teens are gettingpregnant include the type of raise you are, economic changes in the home and lawmakersdecline in help with the issue. However the issue of over parenting is never taken into accountwhich I believe is another big reason teenages are getting pregnant with the constant controlover what the child does with every aspect of their lives this is one they can control without aparent having time to intervene. In many other countries sex is opening talked about betweenparents and children however especially in the United States communication is not open tospeak of sex in any way. This can cause major problems to both parents and children, our teenpregnancy rate is six time higher than the Netherlands, four time higher than Germany andabout three times higher than France in these other countries sex is taught to be understoodlogically not shameful act like in America. (Levine & Munsch 2011 P.219)Since 2000 college campus have realized a new type of student has emerged teacupsor crispies meaning they have a hard time living without their parents by their side to help themand guide them in the right direction. (Conger 2013) Parents have become so intertwined withtheir child's life they pick majors, living arrangements and micromanagement of everything. Alsoknowing as hothouse parenting the mixture of high goal expectations academically, spoiling tothe extreme and excessive worry creates hyper protective parents. Parenting to this extremecreates a child who was not developed in psychological resilience meaning they are not readyto handle any life situations without a parent by their side thinking for them since they do notknow how to on their own. This creates a boomerang child which means since a child is coddledEffects of Overparenting 5so much as child when it is time the grow up they realize its easier to just stay at home and notdevelop any skills in college or get a job. 3.4 million boomerang children are home living withtheir parents for the financial stability and the emotional well being of having someone around todecide their lives for them. (Cogner 2013) However if a child does happen to move out of thehome an overprotective parent can still keep in contact day and night with cell phone technologywe have today. Parents can not only keep in contact with their kids either by video chat, textmessage or phone call but can also monitor calls, texts and email the now adult receives ontheir personal phone. Also GPS can be setup to track where the young adult is going and videomonitoring can even be set up if desired.The desire for parents to see their kids developing into adults function properly andgetting married with be difficult for this over parented generation. When children are young theylearn how to socialize, make and hold friendships and actively live in the world however when aparent intervene at every available moment a child has a difficult road ahead. In order to dateyou first need to be able to meet people which can be difficult if you never had the chance to asa younger person. Not being able to play as a child makes them less ready to be sociallycapable adults, playing is not only about interacting with others but learning how to give andtake. In addition a child seeing their parents divorce make them fragile and intimated to take arise in life like commitment.At the end of the each parent needs to take a step back and look at what parentingtechniques they are using and how it can ultimately affect their child's well being. There is adefinite line parents need to stay behind to raise a health, responsible, well developed child intoday society. Parents have become so worried about raising children they forget all about thechild involved and focus on how it will affect them as a parent what will others think of how goodor bad there child is when they are raised to function as an adult. It becomes too easy forparents to use over parenting as an easy way out to really parenting, for some reason the worldhas forgotten how to say no and to teach the correct way to do the task at hand. Parenting is notEffects of Overparenting 6about control with the child its about a firm set of rules that a child needs to have to developproperly, always lending a hand to a child only makes them have a handicap instead of explainand teaching them how to do it on their own. Over parenting has become an accepted way toraise a child however we are all missing out when children are raised this way, each individualin this world deserves to be treated equal no matter what.
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