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References:1. Imagesof Organization, by Gareth Morgan. (Executive Edition). Copyright1998, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.2. TheManagement Myth, by Matthew Stewart. Copyright 2009, W. W. Norton & Company, publishers.Questions:1. On Pages 54-55, Stewart uses Kant’s Critique of PureReason to identify 4 “dogmas” that cripple scientific approaches tomanagement. Which of these 4 do youbelieve is most significant in organizations today and why? (Limit your answer to 400 words or less.)2. In the video, “Scientific Management Uncovered,”(deconstructing scientific management), the lecturer notes that Taylorism wasintroduced during the Progressive era, when science was viewed as the salvationof society. Many today suggest that theU.S. is returning to a progressive era, when science (gathering data andapplying rigorous methods and processes) will lead to societal benefits. Yet the video on Henry Ford and Taylorismpicks up on the theme that progressive scientific methods can have the negativeeffects on people and organizations. Which viewpoint (A. Scientific methods will result in generalpositive gains for society; or B. Scientific methods will lead to negative outcomes for society) do youfind most compelling and why? (Limit youranswer to 400 words or less.)3. Stewart seems to suggest that the flaws in Mayo’s studiesmake the many management approaches that have been developed over the yearsbased on that initial research highly questionable. Pick one of the management approaches thatderived from the humanistic or open systems perspective and explain why thatapproach should be considered valid today as a principle for managing people atwork. (Limit your answer to 400 words orless.)4. In Russell Ackoff’s presentation on systems-basedimprovement, he argues that managing systems independently does not increasethe performance of the system as a whole, and therefore management practicescontinue to have limited success; managers need to learn to manage theinteraction among the systems. How doesthis view call into question the fundamental nature of the Organization asOrganisms metaphor? That is, if Ackoffis correct, what are the problems with the Organisms metaphor insofar asmanagerial practice is concerned? (Limityour answer to 500 words or less.)5.Explain how the principles and practices of strategicmanagement (as Stewart outlines some of these) are linked to the images of theorganization as brain. (Limit youranswer to 400 words or less.)6. Peter Senge suggests to his audience of CEOs thatorganizational change cannot come from the top down. This seems to argue against a central “brain”in an organization, in favor of many diverse learning nodes. Explain how Morgan’s observations onorganizations as a brain may in fact be consistent with Senge’s view oforganizational leadership. (Limit youranswer to 400 words or less.)7. What are the most successful knowledge-managementchallenges faced by Danone? What doesthe company need to do well to succeed? (Limityour answer to 400 words or less.)8. Describe the new Access to Care strategy. What has Dr. Seffrin done to manage thoserisks and assure implementation of the new strategy? (Limit your answer to500 words or less.)9. Morgan lays outthe view of Organizations as Cultures and the processes by which culture isenacted in his chapter, and does a credible job of presenting the view thatcultures drive organizations and managers. In “The Science of Excellence,” oneof Stewart’s critiques of cultures is that too often managers confound correlationand causation, and that the error is to assume that the “happy, people-centeredcultures the authors observed in their favourite companies were a consequenceof business success rather than a cause.” How much of an organizations’s culture is a result of success and basicbusiness and managerial practices, and how much of a culture is created bymanagers to drive success? What’s yourview - does culture drive management or does management determine culture? (400 words or less)10. What has madeFour Seasons successful over the last 30 years? Does corporate culture play a role in Four Seasons’ success? If so, how and why? (400 words or less)11. What, in your opinion, were the tradeoffs and biggestdownsides of the reorganization at Cisco? Why did Chambers create business councils? (Limit your answer to 500 words or less.)
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