programming:Considered the brain of the computer, computer science homework help
QUESTION 11.Considered the brain of the computerGPUCPURAMHDDQUESTION 21.Abstracts a programs various tasksor function into separate modules of reusable code.ModularizationCode blocksSubroutinesFlowchartsQUESTION 31.Scope is defined the same way in allprogramming languages.TrueFalseQUESTION 41.In structured programming, which ofthe following is NOT one of the three basic structures?LoopDecisionsequencesyntaxQUESTION 51.A loop can also be known as aDecisionSequenceIterationStructureQUESTION 61.Serves the same purpose as a list,but is considered less flexible.IterationArraysFlowchartCodeQUESTION 71.This concept uses the three primaryprogramming structures and logic development strategies that create wellorganized, easy to read, and easy to understand program code.Unstructured ProgrammingFlowchartPseudocodeStructured ProgrammingQUESTION 81.Loops are similar to decisions inthat they have a condition statement which evaluates to a TRUE or FALSE value.TrueFalseQUESTION 91.The Python Framework does inform youwhere an error occurred.TrueFalseQUESTION 101.Write a Python program that acceptsa numeric value from the user and prints the number starting from 0 up to theusers value.QUESTION 111.Used to define the scope in Python{ }subindentation( )QUESTION 121.This programing element begins withthe keyword def.variablesfunctionskeywordslistsQUESTION 131.When does python limit access toglobal variables/objects from within a scope?When there is the presence of a newly created localvariable with the same name as a global variable.When there is the presence of a newly created localvariable with a different name than the global variable.When there are no new variables.When there is the presence of any newly created variable.QUESTION 141.Used to pass one or multiple valuesinto a function for processing.Global variableCode blockReturnParameter listQUESTION 151.Without lists and other collectionobjects such as arrays, vectors, and dictionaries, the processing capability ofour programs would be greatly improved.TrueFalseQUESTION 161.One of the three programmingstructures that will choose one of two paths of execution based on the resultsof a true/false question:SequenceIterationLoopDecisionQUESTION 171.Because lists are sequences,indexing and slicing work the same way for lists as they do for strings.TrueFalseQUESTION 181.Which is the following is true aboutstructured programmingEach structure should have one entry point, but can havemultiple exit pointsEach structure can have multiple entry points, but onlyone exit pointEach structure has no limit on the number of the entrypoints and exit pointsEach structure should have one entry point and one exitpointQUESTION 191.____ within a list are identified byan index number, placed within square brackets after the name of the list. Forexample:DecisionsItemsElementsCodeQUESTION 201.What does the following comparisonoperator mean ==Equal toApproximatelyGreater thanNot EqualQUESTION 211.Boolean expressions are only trueTrueFalseQUESTION 221.Programming method for solving aproblem by solving a smaller version of the same problem repeatedly.RepetitionProblem SolvingDebuggingRecursionQUESTION 231.Any problem that can be solved withrecursion could be re-implemented with loops.TrueFalseQUESTION 241.Component to a function used to getoutput directly from a function.foroutputreturnprintQUESTION 251.Define a Python list for the days ofthe week, and then use a loop (while or for) to print that list.
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