PPA601: Foundations of Public Administration Wk5 Discussion, business and finance homework help
Question 1. Types of BudgetingDiscussthe differences between the rational budgeting and incremental budgetingmodels. · What advantages anddisadvantages can you identify relating to both models? · What improvements, ifany, would you make to either model?Question 2. Revenue Streams for Public OrganizationsAsnoted in the readings, taxes and user fees provide much of the revenue forpublic organizations that is necessary to fund public programs. Yet, despitethese revenue streams, local, state, and federal governments consistently facebudgetary shortfalls in attempting to fund public programs. · What changes, if any,would you make to the way governments obtain revenue for public programs? · Consider the followingquestions: would you make any changes to individual and corporate income taxrates, property taxes, or sales taxes? · Would you increase ordecrease user fees? · Do you think that a flattax might be a more appropriate way to generate revenue?· Would a national sales tax (not to be confusedwith state sales taxes) be a sensible method to raise revenue?
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