Should the government revamp the PSLE grading system of using T-scores?
Question 1 The PSLE revampis part of a larger shift away from academics towards broadening opportunitiesfor students to discover their interests and talents, and develop life skills,a sense of curiosity and a love for learning. Experts say that while this is anecessary change, it will take time for the country to embrace it and move awayfrom its preoccupation with marks. Pupils in Primary 1 this year will be the first cohort totake the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) and receive a new set of results. In 2021, the national examination will do away with theaggregate score often criticised for being the cause of excessive stressamong pupils and parents. With the change, children will no longer be gradedrelative to one another. In its place will be wider scoring bands such as A, B, C andD similar to the scoring system used in the O- and A-level examinations. But this is only the most obvious change to what has been asteady overhaul of a pressurecooker system which has had a strong focus onmarks instead of a child's holistic development. Already, in the early stages of primary education, examshave become a thing of the past. Pupils are increasingly being encouraged toexpress themselves. Applied learning is in, along with the development ofcharacter and life skills. At Primary Four or Five, pupils take part in a three-daycohort camp and learn to prepare simple meals, adapt to the outdoors, and buildresilience and camaraderie. In the coming years, primary school leavers will have morechoice to go to secondary schools offering niche programmes in robotics,environmental issues, the arts and music, for instance, where they can developtheir interests beyond the three "R"s reading, writing and arithmetic.As Acting Education Minister (Schools) Ng Chee Mengexplained in Parliament earlier this month when he announced the changes:"Let's help our children make good use of their time to branch out toexplore other interests and passions and to pursue what they want to do inlife. "Let's help them make good choices about theireducational and career pathways based on their aptitudes and aspirations. "Let's help them to be ready for the future." -Adapted from article Evolving the Spore education system:Going beyond grades by AMELIA TENG, CALVIN YANG, The Straits Times, INSIGHT, B2 & B3, 17/04/2016. There has been much debate in the Singapore Parliament andpublic sphere with regard to the revamp in the PSLE grading. The two articlesprovided below reflect some of the debate regarding this issue. Should the government revamp thePSLE grading system of using T-scores? In about 1000 words,write a persuasive argumentative essay defending your position in order toargue for your particular stance on this issue. Other than providing supportingarguments for the position you take on this issue, you MUST anticipate objections andprovide counterarguments to write the paper. Relevant information for you togather would be: Definition of T-score Issues (moral, ethical, social and etc.) surrounding thePSLE grading system of using T-scores Arguments for upholding the PSLE grading system of usingT-scores Arguments against upholding the PSLE grading system of usingT-scores
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