Need help with computer science: IT Strategy and Policy Discussion Posts
Q1. Pick one of the items below for your Original Postin this week's discussion forum:Explainthe benefits of integrating the IT / Security strategic plan with theenterprise strategic plan and the business units' strategic plans. Whatcan happen if this doesn't occur?On page 74 of the SecurityStrategy book, there are 12 questions you should consider beforestarting a strategic plan. Pick three of these to discuss on the week 4discussion board. Why are these questions important? How do theyassist in the development of the strategic plan? [Try not to repeatquestions used by other students.]The text mentions a"catch-ball" phase of the planning process. Research this an provide anexplanation of it in your own words. How can this be used by anorganization?The bottom of page 75 provides some guidelines inthe planning process. Explain them in your own words. Why is itimportant to address these? What happens if they're not followed?Thebook states, "Goals are formed using SMART or SMARTER." (p. 83)Explain this in your own words. Use at least one outside reference.Include how this benefits the strategic planning process.Q2. Pick one of the items below for your Original Postin this week's discussion forum:Reviewthe four questions in the implementation phase of planning on page 84.Explain why their answers are important for a successfull strategicplan implementation. How do they support strategic plan implementation?Pages84-85 of the book list the keys to success for the implementation stageof strategic planning. Pick three of these to explain on thediscussion board. Why are they important? What happens if they'reignored? [Try not to repeat keys used by other students.]Thefeedback, tracking, and control phase should answer three questions (p.85). Explain these in your own words. Why are these good questions?Why are the answers important for strategic planning? What can happen ifthey're not addressed?Explain the Balanced Scorecard. How can this help the strategic planning process? Provide at least one additional reference.Thebottom of page 87 the best strategies that work and lists questions forreviewing a current strategy. Pick three of these to discuss in yourown words. Why are these good questions? Why are the answers importantfor strategic planning? What can happen if they're not addressed?Textbook For Reference: Security-Strategy-From-Requirements-to-Reality.pdfRequirement : One Page for Each Question.
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